It has been another low key week. It rained most of the day Sunday and Monday. By Monday noon, we had a pretty good case of cabin fever. After many hours of planning and rearranging, Donna redecorated our home for Christmas:
Then, instead of listening to the rain, we went shopping in Spanish Fort (just east of Mobile on I-10). It was a successful trip as we didn't buy much.
On Tuesday Donna went to the clubhouse to assist a group with making baby blankets and knit hats. They got a lot done.
On Friday Donna joined another group and decorated the clubhouse for the holidays. They hung lights, erected and decorated a tree, and decorations to tables, bulletin boards etc. Real cute.
We have also volunteered our food service assistance at the club house. Every Saturday a breakfast is served to about 100 RVers . I helped with the pancakes, bacon and sausage. Donna helped clean up after the meal. On Thursday, a pork loin dinner was served so we helped with the food prep in the morning. We peeled sweet potatoes and apples and diced onions. Unfortunately, we were not able to enjoy the fruit of our labors as we went out for dinner with two other couples. Oh well, we had fun anyway.
I'm constantly amazed by the number of people who want to talk with me about the Packers. My Packer hat seems to act as a magnet for Wisconsinites. We met a man who was born and raised in Shawano. They now have property just northeast of there in Mountain. Small world. His wife knew Lemkes from Lodi. At the laundromat this week we met a couple from Poynette (just north of Madison). While we dined out with two other couples, a man from Green Bay came over to shake my hand. Is there anybody left in Wisconsin or are they all down here? I can't go anywhere with that Packer hat. Maybe I should get a Viking hat! Nobody would talk to me then.